Private Karate Classes for Adults and Kids in San Diego Ca

Private Karate Classes in San Diego

private-karate-classesHere we have a Video of Sensei Frank McCarroll giving a private karate class to a 4 year old student. Sensei Frank McCarroll takes his time with each and every student, but when giving a private karate class in San Diego, Sensei Frank McCarroll can give your child his undivided attention. With a private karate class with Sensei Frank McCarroll your child will be given the opportunity to perfect their kata’s, sharpen their punches and define their kicks. Your child will enjoy improving their skills with the special individual time that Sensei Frank McCarroll provides in his private karate classes.

In this Video we have a student working directly with Sensei Frank McCarroll in a private karate class. The 4 year old student is working on his first kata and perfecting the art of Karate.

For more information on Kids Karate in San Diego and Private Karate Classes in San Diego contact Sensei Frank McCarroll

– Article was written by Frank McCarroll at Practical Karate

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