Bridging the Gap Between Modern Education and Traditional Martial Arts

What we are:

A mind/body education center for people of all ages and abilities.

Our Mission:

To empower children and adults through martial arts, yoga, art, music, dance and movement classes in a safe, clean and welcoming environment.

Instruction at Practical Karate is always enthusiastic and meaningful with clearly defined goals and objectives. Assessment of student performance is both formative and summative to identify students’ strengths and areas of need as well as check for comprehension, fluency of skills and ensure instructional objectives are being met. Learning opportunities and skill remediation are maximized through cooperative learning and peer mentoring.

Gabriel & Braden

Movement Skills & Building Physical Literacy

Practical karate uses the skill theme approach to teaching movement skills according to the recommendations by Shape America, formerly NASPE (National Association of Sport and Physical Educators). Following the latest progression in physical education movement skills are broken down, taught systematically in isolation, continually assessed and applied in drills and games that build competence in addition to being enjoyable for the students.

In every class students practice all of the core locomotor skills to help them become more physically literate. Therefore, creating better athletes that enjoy physical activity. Teaching movement skills in a non-competitive environment builds confidence in children’s movement skills and makes physical activity more enjoyable as they grow and develop.

practical karate in san diego

Rewards and Rank Promotion at Practical

Children 3-5 years old receive a stripe on their white belt for each class with appropriate behavior and effort. There are 5 white belts in our curriculum and the standards of behavior and effort become increasingly more stringent as the students move up the ranks. All belts have 4 stripes with the 5th stripe being the next belt. Students aged 6 years and up earn stripes through satisfactory performance of physical skills, karate skills, knowledge of rules, home safety and community safety. Appropriate behavior and effort are pre-requisites in order to test for stripes.

Every student comes into karate class with different physical and cognitive abilities. Each individual’s unique abilities and efforts are carefully considered when awarding rank promotions.

why we practice seiza


As in modern education all classes at Practical Karate follow an established curriculum to maximize learning and efficiency. All physical skills taught are aligned with the national physical education standards and grade-level outcomes designed by Shape America.

Our Facility:

  • 2,000 sq. ft. training room
  • Children’s Play Area
  • Monitors w/ live video feeds
  • Art Room
  • 2 bathrooms + Shower
  • 4 changing rooms
  • Eating/Study Area

Our Environment and Values:

It is our goal to provide a friendly and welcoming environment where tolerance, kindness and courtesy are the norm. The importance of a positive attitude, perseverance, hard work and integrity are emphasized in order to give students the tools to be successful in life.

Practical Karate Values:

Attitude – Having a positive attitude, being kind and never giving up
Effort – Doing my best with an open mindset
Respect – Respecting myself, others and the environment
Integrity – Being honest and taking responsibility
***Borrowed from The Gillispie School Values***