Sample Post Format: Chat

Sam: Salami chuck frankfurter fatback, jerky venison ham filet mignon pork chop beef. George: Tenderloin pork belly short ribs burgdoggen strip steak, prosciutto brisket. Sam: Jerky burgdoggen pastrami short loin doner meatloaf shank beef ribs flank kevin. George: Short ribs kielbasa ball tip chuck bacon meatball meatloaf cow biltong pastrami filet mignon fatback.

Summer Camps at Practical Karate in San Diego

2018 Summer Camps

If you are looking to pursue advancement in your understanding of the martial arts, and develop a level of self defense that will protect you in bad situations, you have found the right place. San Diego Karate experts, Practical Karate with Sensei Frank McCarroll, is here to assist you in learning to master a higher […]