Tag Archives: karate lessons

Karate, an ancient martial art form originating from Okinawa, Japan, has proven to a popular and enduring sport in the United States.

Kids Karate Lessons with Frank McCarroll

Kids Karate Lessons with Practical Karate in San Diego, Ca While the martial arts films created by Hollywood depict martial arts in a way that seems to condone and even encourage violence, this couldn’t be further from the true teachings of the martial arts way. In fact, martial arts promotes a strong sense of discipline […]

School has Started and Karate is the Perfect After School Sport

After School Karate with Sensei Frank McCarroll It is that time of year again and our little ones are headed back to school. For most parents planning your child’s after school activities can be frustrating at the least. Finding an activity that your child likes and can benefit from can tough and challenging. Sensei Frank […]